Electric vehicles and solar

Free fuel for your car

Industry experts expect that car buyers should have a choice of more than 400 EV models by mid decade. This variety of choices could push EV sales to 11 million by 2025 and to 19 million by 2030.

Believe it or not, it usually costs less to fuel your car with electricity than with gasoline. If you add solar power into the mix, you are looking at even more significant cost savings.

A 2018 study from the University of Michigan found that EVs cost less than half as much to operate as gas-powered cars. The average to operate an EV in the U.S. is $485 a year versus $1,117 for a gas-powered vehicle.

Now add solar to the mix, and you are essentially fueling your car for free with the power of the sun.

Beyond the savings, EV owners are helping to shift the energy paradigm away from fossil fuels to locally-sourced energy. Solar is a perfect companion for that, considering the power being generated is clean, free, and renewable. Solar energy systems are designed to last decades, meaning a few generations of EVs will be charged from the same system.

Here are some more interesting tidbits about EVs:

  • EV charging at home typically draws less than half the power of an electric furnace.
  • Most EVs get 3-5 miles per kWh and that rate is increasing
  • A 21-mile round trip commute is 7kWh or about 75 cents a day
  • A standard vehicle with an internal combustion engine has around 2,000 moving parts while an electric vehicle has about 20.

According to a conservative estimate from the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, we could keep $2 billion dollars per year in our region if we reduced the amount of gasoline we import and increased the amount of local electricity we use. Electricity doesn’t get any more local than solar on your own roof.

Curious how solar could power your EV? Give us a call or fill out the form below, and we’d be happy to explain it to you.

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