Going Solar Is Easy with Help From A&R Solar
There’s a lot of paperwork involved with going solar and getting your system certified and up and running.
We have to make agreements with the utility and you to interconnect your system into the grid. They have to verify that the system that we are installing and designing meets all of their requirements.
There’s paperwork for permitting. There’s paperwork for your solar incentives. Some of these solar incentives we’re dealing with, we may be able to do some of the work before your system is installed, and other times we actually can’t start any of the paperwork until the system has passed its final electrical inspection.
So we’re going to be reaching out at multiple different points during this process giving you tips and trying to guide you in the best direction, as well as filling out as much of the paperwork ahead of time as we can to minimize the amount of time you have to navigate through this stuff.
I know there’s a lot of paperwork but just be patient and ask us questions if you have them. We’re going to do our best to get everything completed and approved and get you up and running as soon as possible.
Visit our service page if you need to submit a service request for your solar PV system.